Meet our ever-expanding team at K&A

Kelly Siegfried - The CEO

The president and our founder, who envisioned this company and created its ideals from stretch, working now harder than ever to bring K&A to new horizons.

Phone: +1 562 233 5928 (US and US territories)


Germán Montiel - A.F.A.C. representative

A certified FAA pilot, and our expert at government-level services in Mexico, with more than 20 years of experience in the field, has helped many clients solve difficulties with satisfaction

Phone: +52 552 149 4704 (Mexico)


Marcus Cohen - Sales representative in Europe

As K&A reaches new horizons, more and younger experts are required to achieve our dream of taking K&A everywhere, including now Europe.

Phone: +351 901 800 051 (Czechia)


Antonio Armengual - Sales and Services Manager

Mr. Antonio, a man with more than 40 years of experience in the aviation industry and an expert in TRUST services, is the backbone of the sales coverage provided by K&A.

Phone: +1 520 589 3677 (US and US territories)


William Vélez - Sales representative in South America

Mr. Vélez, a man with aviation background that helped us establish a presence in South America, can provide you with his expertise to sort out any needs with government paperwork

Phone: +1 561 388 9725 (US and US territories) +57 324 277 3626 (Colombia)
